
HEALTH 01st Apr 2024


DHSissued a Public Health Advisory for the summer season, urging the  public to take precautions against heat related illnesses

The Directorate of Health Services has issued a Public Health Advisory for the summer season, urging the  public to take precautions against heat related illnesses.

Recommendations include staying hydrated, wearing light-colored clothes, staying informed about weather updates, and avoiding outdoor activities during peak sunlight hours.

Special attention is advised for vulnerable groups such as infants, elderly individuals, pregnant women, and those with pre-existing health conditions. Employers and workers are also encouraged to implement measures to prevent heat stress in the workplace.

Additionally, organizers of mass gatherings and sporting events are reminded to take precautions to ensure the safety of attendees. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses is crucial, with immediate medical attention recommended for severe cases. In case of emergencies, individuals are advised to call emergency services (108/102) promptly.

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