
Special Feature 01st Feb 2025

Science Film Festival of India | Day 2 | 010225

Join us as we take a look at the highlights from the Science Film Festival of India (SCI-FFI 2025), showcasing various innovations and workshops held during the event. We visited the stalls of Ramanata Crisna Pai Raikar School of Agriculture, SES's Higher Secondary, Lokmanya Tilak Vidyalaya, GVM's Matoshri Indirabai Baburao Khandeparkar High School, NSQF, Smt. Tarabai Dalvi High School, Goa Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Cacora Govt. ITI, and Codeavour 6.0 International at SCI-FFI 2025. This unique festival provided a platform for aspiring individuals to make their mark in the field of science. It also gave budding students the opportunity to interact with scientists from esteemed organizations like NIO, ISRO, and others through workshops and sessions. #SCIFFI2025 #ScienceFilmFestival #InnovationInScience #ScienceWorkshops #FutureScientists #ScienceInspiration #BuddingScientists #ScientificInnovation #ExploreScience #TechForGood #ScienceOutreach #ISRO #ScienceAndEducation #SpaceOnWheels #GoaScienceFestival #WorkshopsAndInnovation #InspiringYoungMinds #ScienceInAction

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