
Goa Connect 19th Dec 2023

Mhadei | Nirmala Sawant | Vishay Samzun Ghevya | 191223

In todays episode we chat with Nirmala Sawant, Former Minister & Convenor of Mhadei Bachao Abhiyan on the need for people to understand the impacts of Mhadei is diverted by Karnataka. She also speaks on the challenges that the team has faced over the years fighting the case alongside Goa Government #Mhadei #river #karnataka #goa #Goannews #breakingnewstoday #india #NarendraModi #PramodSawant #Bhaangarbhuin #konkani #activist #Environment #environmentalimpact #westernghats #westernghatsofindia #ecology #Mandovi #malaprabha #Siddaramaiah #CMOGoa #nirmalasawant #mhadeibachaoabhiyan 

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